The Face of Academic Challenge is Changing

In-person, Virtual, or Online; tournaments are now for Virtually Everyone, Virtually Everywhere. Schools, Businesses & Organizations, Family Events. Check out what we have to offer!

Virtual Tournaments

Academic Hallmarks partnered with NAC to run the first ever Virtual National tournament in the spring of 2020. We are expanding to virtual tournaments around the world. Every participant can compete with their teams from the safety of their individual homes or from their schools or businesses when it’s possible. Let us know how we can help you use virtual meetings to run full-scale tournaments.

Scrimmages, Area, Regional, and National Tournaments

We already offer tournaments all over the nation and we are expanding. Would you like to set up more tournaments for your school, business, or organization? Contact us with details and we can make it happen.


Short Answer, Multiple Choice, Pyramidal, Bonus, Categories, and Alphabet Round all available from our library of over 400,000 questions spanning all topics. Pristine sets are also available, and new questions are always being written. We can even put them in your format so that you receive them ready to read!

Online Asynchronous Tournaments

We’ve been setting up online asynchronous tournaments for years, and starting in the spring of 2020, we went virtual with these events. Coaches and teams sign in at their convenience from home, school, or work and work together to finish the questions being shared. Join one of our tournaments (check out the events page) or create your own tournament with our help.

After-School & Summer Camp Programs

Ready-to-use curriculum and materials for your programs – in any format you prefer.